Accommodation in Siofok - Hotel Europa - sunset at the Golden Shore

Hotel a Budapest

Hotel Europa is situated in Siofok that is the largest holiday resort at Lake Balaton. Hotel Europa - lying directly on the shore of the lake - offers 139 rooms, own restaurant and a sandy and very shallow private beach that is an ideal place for families with young children. Beyond the usual hotel services the hotel offers whole day amusement, sport facilities and programs for the children.

<-Accommodation in Siofok - Hotel Europa - sunset at the Golden Shore - ✔️ Hotel Europa  Siofok ✔️ Cheap hotel in Siófok Balaton->

Accommodation in Siofok - Hotel Europa - sunset at the Golden Shore

-✔️ Hotel Europa Siofok ✔️ Cheap hotel in Siófok Balaton-

8000 Siófok, Petőfi sétány 13. NTAK regisztrációs szám: SZ19001163 - Hotel

Szobafoglalás phone: +36-1-227-9614

Szobafoglalás fax: +36-1-227-9614

Szobafoglalás Email: Hotel E-mail

✔️ Hotel Europa Siofok ✔️ Cheap hotel in Siófok Balaton

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