Hotel Ibis City - map - Budapest Hotel Ibis City

Hotel a Budapest

Hotel Ibis Budapest City is a brand new 3-star city hotel in Budapest, close to the tourist attractions and the business and shopping centre. Air-conditioned rooms, in-house garage, easy access.

<-Hotel Ibis City - map - Budapest Hotel Ibis City - ✔️ Hotel Ibis Budapest City*** - 3 star Ibis Hotel in Budapest (former Ibis Emke)->

Hotel Ibis City - map - Budapest Hotel Ibis City

-✔️ Hotel Ibis Budapest City*** - 3 star Ibis Hotel in Budapest (former Ibis Emke)-

1072 Budapest, Akácfa utca 1-3.

Szobafoglalás phone: +36-1-227-9614

Szobafoglalás fax: +36-1-227-9614

Szobafoglalás Email: Hotel E-mail

✔️ Hotel Ibis Budapest City*** - 3 star Ibis Hotel in Budapest (former Ibis Emke)

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